Gene Smith, the youngest child of Bill and Molly Smith, brother of Nancy and Bill, now lives in Durham, NC, but was born and raised in Wilkes-Barre. He was a student at Bishop Hoban and graduated from Luzerne County Community College with a Business Degree.
His best childhood memory was going to his first baseball game at Yankee Stadium with his Mom and Dad. It was 1972, he was eleven years old and the Yankees played the Cleveland Indians. He is now, and has always been, a loyal Yankees fan! He has many happy memories of Wright Family reunions at the Larksville Legion, but particularly loved the skits and softball game.
Gene’s career was mainly in retail management, but he is currently employed at Global Golf in Raleigh.
Spending time with his love, Mary Medina, is high on his list of favorite pastimes. He loves golf, beach time and checking out the many restaurants and breweries in the Raleigh/Durham area.
Mary, also from Pennsylvania, was first to come to North Carolina (Gene followed later) to be near her daughter and son-in-law, Stephanie and Andrew, and especially her grandson, Maxwell. She works for Riccobene Associates Family Dentistry as a Payroll Administrator. She was a competitive swimmer and participated in three national swim games. Perhaps her highlight was the Lady Liberty Sharkfest Swim where she swam from the Statue of Liberty to Liberty State Park.
Gene has two children, Mary Kate and Colin. Mary Kate lives in Philadelphia with her husband, Kyle Romm. She is a graduate of Misericordia University and, in her school years, was active in theater and chorus.
Colin lives in Pittston, Pa and is supervisor of IGourmet, an online Specialty-Gourmet food company. (check them out at )